
ApnāKhātā Universal Mobile Banking App

ApnāKhātā is a universal mobile banking platform to enable customers to perform day-to-day transactions without the trouble of remembering multiple passwords, codes, syntaxes, commands, phone numbers and website links. It provides a gateway for customers to use SMS Banking, Internet Banking and Telephone Banking using their registered mobile device.

ApnāKhātā SDK

ApnāKhātā Payment SDK is a software component for Merchants for including in their M-Commerce Android application to enable Payments. With ApnāKhātā SDK, any merchant mobile app can be enhanced to include Payment options using SMS based IMPS facility.

ApnāKhātā Services

No. Services
1 Link to Net-Banking & Mobile Banking
2 SMS Banking
3 USSD Banking
4 Missed Call Banking
5 Money Map
6 Call Customer Care
7 Bullet Pay-SMS
8 Bullet Pay-USSD
9 Message History

ApnāKhātā Upcoming Services

  • Voice Recognition

Dealer Enquiries

Enquiries are invited from business persons who are interested in marketing our products. The commission structure is quite attractive.

ApnāKhātā Apps

ApnāKhātā Mobile Banking app is available in Android, Apple iOS, Windows Phone and J2ME